Saturday, 1 January 2011

Front cover second draft

Looking at the front cover, some things needed to be changed to make it look more professional. Firstly, the date in the top right corner was too large as it is usually written in small font as it is not that important but still needs to be included. Also, the bird on the masthead did not look feminine enough; if a bird is included it should be a dove. However, I decided to delete the bird completely as I thought it looked more professional without. Furthermore, I disliked the tagline as it did not seem girly enough. Therefore, I decided to change it the other favourite chosen by my target audience. Additionally, the sell lines did not seem to have much organisation to them so I decided to give them headings and little one liner add ons so they made more sense. Also, the 'Recent Charts' sell line seemed a bit out of place so I changed the sell line and moved in up so it was included with the others. There was a gap down the top right of the image so to prevent this I moved the bar code and price down slightly and included a puff which is conventional in magazines. Finally, there needed to be red eye reduction in the main image.

The second draft of the front cover:

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