Saturday, 1 January 2011


Knowing what my target audience would be interested in meant I could get images for the pages to suit their needs. Seeing as the festival survival guide was the most popular for the double page spread it means I need images including the props of tents, sunglasses, wellies, straw hat, and anything else involved with festivals.
These are some of the images I have taken for the guide:

On the front cover the model in conventionally made to look their best to sell the magazine because the audience would want to look that good. Also, having done the research, a large quantity of my audience chose that they wanted the prop in the main image to be headphones. I also noticed that it is typical for the front cover model to be making eye contact with the audience to create a welcoming relationship.Therefore, I needed to take a glammed-up image including headphones and eye contact. I used two models and took several photographs and chose the best image. 
These are some of the images I have taken for the front cover:

Once I had chosen the images I thought best suited the magazine genre and type, I cropped and edited them to fit the page.

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