Saturday, 1 January 2011

Pencil drafts of contents page and double page spread

I created pencil drafts of the contents page and double page spread to give myself an idea of the location of images and text. This will give me a rough plan to look at by hand when I come to actually creating the page on the computer.

I have designed the contents page with the page names and summary listed down the left of the page and half way down the right of the page overlapping the main image on the right. I have included the voucher in the contents page that is advertised on the front cover which subverts from usual conventions. However, it would make the audience want to read more of the magazine if they have received a voucher at the beginning because they feel as if they are being welcomed. To emphasise the guide to festival survival some more, I have included an image in the top left involving it.

Contents page pencil draft:

I have designed the double page spread so that the image is in the middle with the text columned down either side. It is conventional to have the audience reading from the top left, down the page, and finishing in the bottom right corner. Also, this is the option the majority of my target audience chose so I have taken into account their opinions to cater for their interests. Finally I have located the title along the top across the whole of the double page so there is no confusion as to what the audience is reading and it would be quick and eay to find in the magazine.

Double page spread pencil draft:

I have kept the colour scheme the same throughout all three pages as this is what the audience chose, and kept similar fonts to keep it consistent so it all looks like pages for the same magazine.

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